Do you have a Self-Managing Company?
Take the quiz and find out!

A Self-Managing Company is all the things you envisioned when you made the decision to become an entrepreneur. Here are four in-a-nutshell characteristics of a Self-Managing Company:

  • It frees you up to focus only on what you love and do best.
  • You have an entrepreneurial team of leaders who are always focused on your 10x growth goals.
  • Your team frees you up to have plenty of rejuvenating Free Days away from the business.
  • Those Free Days put you in top form to focus on your top money-making activities. These, by no coincidence, are the things
    you love to do!

Take our 2-minute POP QUIZ and see how you stack up. No matter what your results, you’ll discover at least one big thing you can do right now to accelerate the progress of your Self-Managing Company. Remember, once you've completed the quiz, check your email inbox for your free digital book.

Part 1. Let’s start with the easy stuff: